Tuesday, March 26, 2013

699 - massage and more accupuncture

Day 699 awoke to fog but soon burned off. Sheldon professed it is going to be warm today but -12 on the way to town has me believing he is wrong. I grabbed tea for Coreena and I to get thru the work morning. This is most likely the last week of work for me if break up finally does arrive. This is going to work perfect with all the projects I have to get finished.

At one I had my last massage on our Encana health plan, she worked out as many knots as ever. It reached its high temperature of -1, not so warm in my books :-) I picked up another kitchen purchase from the online site but it seems she gave me the wrong pampered chef dish.. guess it will go back.

I then underwent my second acupuncture. Today she said lungs balanced but liver, gall bladder, spleen and kidneys out so gave me a series of needles in the neck, feet back and calf as well as 2 permanent in the right ear again.
Time to pick up the mail and head home since 4. Britt worked after school until 6:30 when I went back to town to pick her up. We made a quick stop to grab Shaina's melter adapter from Emily and return it before Britt drove us home. I whipped us up salmon and couscous supper.

Sheldon finished up a course today ending late and since he got tickets for Flames game tomorrow he ran to Costco after having beers with the boys today. He did not get home until 8:30.

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