Friday, March 8, 2013

681 - Sheldon's last day as Encana employee

Day 681 is Sheldon's last official day of work. He says he is not sad but rather excited for his new adventure to begin. Britt and I have the day off :-) She slept will noon when I rousted her and then still lallygagged.

I enjoyed the sunny morning relaxing reading magazines that have stacked up. Just after 1 she and I headed to town picking up garage sale purchases, more paint supplies, groceries as well as getting her blood work done. This was timed perfectly as we were parked in and out in less than ten minutes. That never happens when I go, mine is like an hour wait but it seems 2 pm on this Friday was magic!!
I bought the cute little yellow epicure individual casserole dish, the 24" candle holder, handles for future project and the picture frame, and I found my latex glaze finally at Home Hardware!! and my favorite tassimo chai latte and going to try green tea

Britt made supper or at least some of it. She likes to make perogies which were good and I helped her fry up pork chops but she seems to be learning well. Must be the arena concession although she does not cook there but does bake when bored.

Sheldon went out for celebration drinks with Darren and Gary after work and Sharon was kind enough to drive them home around 8.

Britt and Sheldon played some pool while I caught up on some Nashville PVR shows.

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