Friday, March 22, 2013

695 - movie night

Day 695 was my day off. Britt was off to school on the bus and I was up ready for the day too. After having breakfast; which is a rare event but the acupuncturist suggested I work on that, I got busy in the garage.
I spent 5 hours glazing the hutch, whew!
 first though I sanded and painted the repair areas

 the first glaze I made was too brown :-(
 here is the new color
 in action
 wiped back
 and complete for the top but hard to see really, just gives depth
here is half door glazed and half not. I was concerned it was looking too dark but after sending out a poll all said they liked it.. all except Brittany when she got home who does not like my color choices :-)

Sheldon was done work early and even picked up my latest acquisition from deep SE Calgary and home by 3. I was just getting out of a well deserved hot shower preparing for our family movie night. As soon as Britt got home she drove us to Chinook mall, first time driving in the city and she did great. Driving a big 3/4 ton truck in the mall let alone the parking lot is a challenge for many able drivers.
Kaylin and Aaron met us there and we all laughed our way thru The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. Next stop was Tony Roma's for a late supper. It was even later as the service was SLOOOWWWW but was OK when we got it in the end. Thanks Grama and Papa as we used our gift card for our anniversary you gave us!! We all enjoyed our family night out, we all can't wait for the FULL family night when Shaina gets home. We miss you Shaina Lee!! XOXOXOXO

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