Sunday, March 10, 2013

683 - spring ahead?

Day 683 of course we forgot to turn clocks ahead but it was a fairly lazy start anyway. 9;30 actually was 10:30 so coffee and baileys and on with our day. The morning was spent putzing around, putting the glass part of the hutch on the deck to air out and such. I also added a bit more glaze to yesterday's projects but still am not sure I like them. I decided to leave them as is and see how I feel in a bit before sealing. Like all my other projects I second guess everything 50 times.

Britt got up around noon and she got busy cutting veggies for omelets she wanted to make. I helped her with the sausage and hash browns. She cut up fruit and had a real spread. It was nice sunny brunch around the farmhouse table.
The afternoon I spent doing accounting to clean off my desk while Sheldon put out totes for Britt to practice parallel parking then ran her to work at 3. I then got the spring cleaning bug and sorted and cleaned drawers and cupboards, did a thorough vacuum and washed the dirty hardwood. Of course I rearranged furniture while vacuuming and since it was so nice I had windows open to freshen the house. I love a tidy house freshly cleaned especially with the sun pouring in the windows. Sheldon stopped to pick up an antique table I scored on the garage sale site as well as a bag of blue bottles a kindly gentleman in Calgary sends out to me for my bottle tree.
I took apart my next project and cleaned it all up ready for its overhaul

The wind picked up around 4 but the plus 6 temperatures are starting to melt the mounds of snow. Break up is on the horizon and mud is in the near future.

Britt was done work at 7:30 so Sheldon ran to get her. She tried to parallel park when home and aced it the first time and 3 times after. I had made a simple salad and heated tortilla soup for supper. Kaylin Aaron and the ever growing miss Lexi arrived after we ate. She was dropping off her T4 as the ploy but actually it was to bribe me with new perfume in exchange for her favorite deer sausage. Whatever the motive we are always happy to see them. Coco maybe not so much :-) (Lexi now out weighs and out sizes her requiring more work to wrestle and keep in check)

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