Saturday, November 20, 2021

Wicked winds

I held H off for breakfast till 9 today waiting for B dropped Cooper off after 9 on her way to her massage in the city. I got coffee brewing and back to play a few more brain games. S was up after his sleep in and served a coffee in bed, thanks. The dogs were in and out then a long while out which I went and found they had a deer spine sourced from somewhere they were happily devouring.

S let the cats out then spent the am watching videos and researching Shaina's code alerts as well as his truck back window not working. I put another coat of clear on the lazy susan after soaking horse feed. The forecast winds started to pick up before noon. It was up to plus 8 but soon dropped to -4 by mid afternoon.

I wrote a bowl tutorial for Hometalk, S was on her computer while Sheldon went to check his code results on her jeep. He then removed the stuck metal caster holder from the dresser and we inserted a new one after a few tries. He and I hauled it in and I brought in the drawers. The echelons needed to be scrubbed and left to dry.

We loaded up the dogs after 1 and headed off to town. Shaina followed us out of the yard heading to Banff. We grabbed a chai tea, a general deer tag, fueled up the truck and returned a few things at Walmart before heading home dropping bag of trash on the way.

It was tiny but delicious!

I painted the echelons black and installed them in the dresser drawers. S chatted with his brother Darren who is kindly saving deer ribs for H. He then chopped up the little cantaloupe I grew which he could not believe the taste of. I was staging the lazy susan after putting a 4th clear coat on earlier and as I took the plant off it smashed on the floor. Dam that was one of my favorite plant pots. I went and cleaned another and painted it the first coat of white.

Britt was out before 4, donned my insulated coveralls and got the horses fed and was off shortly after taking Cooper. S made guacamole and we had a beer and chips with it then he hit big brown for a nap. I got to work on computer stuff after feeding H an early supper. He did roust to head down for the 5 pm Flames game.

I took a break to jump in the shower then cook the last HF meal; kung pao style chicken salad. It was good but I am not a hoisin sauce fan and S gave it a 7/10. I worked on computer work until the Flames game was over then we caught up on the first 3 episodes of Yellowstone!!

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