Sunday, November 28, 2021

Bad Bloods first ranch ride

Of course H wanted out at 6 even after going out around 2:30 am but she had business to do. I put her in her kennel and had her wait till 9 to eat. I made coffee and was catching up on marketing. Roxie loved the brownies so much she hoped to get the recipe, I sent her the secret. :0)

coffee and computer with my favorite frenchie

Sheldon slept till almost 10:30!! I found a new full bottle of oil had tipped over in the pantry making for a really nice mess to clean up. Good thing was most of it filled a box below the shelf, bad thing was it was in my spiralizer box full of pieces and instructions. 

Mom was out for a visit, lunch and dessert with even Britt coming out to join us. She was off after 2 to make her way home with a few stops in town. B had gone out to feed horses and tweak feet before she was headed home. 

The couple brought a box of these handmade granola bars which the co-worker used to share with Sheldon at work and he loved so much. This gift made him very happy.

There was just a few minutes to whip the vacuum around as S had a coworker and his wife coming to pick up their radon detector and have a visit. They also took a solar panel tour which I brought the dogs along for a stretch and a few ball chases. They also met the cats before they headed home at 4.

Shaina who had napped the afternoon away was up and off to go play basketball with friends in town at 4:30 as S headed down to TV room with a beer to watch football. I fed the dogs and finally worked on last 2 days of the blog. I also finished the tutorial I started working on this am for the bread box. Supper was left over roast beef. I enjoyed a soak in the tub at 7 watching my iPad before heading bed to finish the Selling Sunset season. Shaina was home about 8 with some groceries then off to her room. S headed in to help Craig install his thermostat at 7 getting back home at 9. Britt and Dave popped out later which all of us missed. B rode Biebs after Dave trimmed his back feet.

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