Monday, November 29, 2021

Pepper gets stifles injected

Harley wanted out at the usual 6:30 then to the garage with her hello scratch at 8:30. I turned on coffee as I went by to feed her then got busy with Monday marketing. I also put an order in for cyber Monday horse boots. I had a neighbor stop to try on boots which had me scrambling to get dressed quick but sadly they did not fit.

I wrote a Hometalk post for the bread box. B was out after 11 to get Pepper in for his vet appointment. She took the day off to be there as well as study for her vet nursing test next weekend. We got him and Bird in just as Dr Jordan and her tech arrived before 11:30. His procedure was done in short order and they were off. I hauled down hay and loaded in ranger to feed him and KD who will spend the night in the barn pen to limit his movement.

I came in at 12:30 and B fed Bird then trimmed Roo while Pepper woke up tied to the hitching post.

Hello Fresh was delivered after lunch. Before Sheldon was off to the airport he brought over the angel and door decorations and put them up then was off to the airport after 2. It is another short work week for him returning Thursday.

Shaina and I took the dogs for a walk at 3 seeing it was still so nice and sunny and 11 out. Shaina did more work then was off to the gym at 5. I continued marketing then started the first HF meal; farro veggie salad. Shaina arrived back at 7 with a rotisserie chicken to go with it. Yum.

Shaina was off to work and I to computer for a bit. After a shower I started a new series called ClickBait.

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