Monday, November 8, 2021

Another chiro and Cooper pick up

H changed up the routine today scratching on garage door at 6 am, I let her out to pee and back to nap till her breakfast that I held her off till 8:30. It was then a repeat morning with cappuccino, kitties let out and marketing. The cleaning gal who cancelled last week popped out at 10 to access the house to decide if needed help or do alone. It was brisk wind outside letting her in and out of the yard and when I went to cats, brr but it is sunny at least. I checked Bird while out to remove boots as requested but she was laying down so left her till later when they came in for water.

A tutorial was written for the mirrored antique custom dresser with a second cappuccino as well as a chat with Mom who was down to see Dad as the dreaded lockdown continues. Shaina and I had a bowl of soup for lunch then she was back to her office as was I.

I headed to town after 2 getting the mail (2 parcels for Shaina including a raincoat for her trip to Seattle this weekend) then stopped at the thrift store hoping to find some more bread boxes; no luck. I grabbed a tea then off to pick up Cooper seeing I was in town. He chilled in the car as I had my chiro appointment at 3 then we headed home.

The dogs were not keen to be out in the chill (it was 8 but breezy still) so I asked Shaina to come with us on a walk. Of course the cats came along too with J hitching a ride for part. I put them away seeing it was after 4 then mixed the food I had soaking with B’s concoction and fed the horses for her seeing it will be dark when she gets home now. Pepper ate his in short order but Bird took her time today. I had fed H within her 8 hour window just before taking out the food but gave her and Cooper a kibble search in the grass to keep them busy while Bird plugged along.


I made it back in as the darkness arrived for my 5 pm paint class. Sharon stopped out after 5:30 to pick up her freshly painted high chair and had a quick visit before heading home at 6. Time to get the last Hello Fresh meal; calorie smart pork and roasted veggies. It was delicious. B arrived in time showered to join us for supper, she had soup. After eating she and Cooper were off for home. She is heading to BC with Dave who is driving out there Wednesday-Friday.

I started an in depth paint knowledge course I joined watching the videos while soaking in the tub for an hour. I then moved to the comfy bed to finish and start a new series on Amazon Prime Shaina just subscribed to to watch Yellowstone's season 4 that started last night. I was watching when S got home a little later then usual after 11 today.

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