Friday, November 5, 2021

Chiro, projects and neighbor horse help

Holy cow Shaina was out the door and off to the city at 8:15 am!! She is filming a lower back video. It was a beautiful sky outside in oranges and pinks so I let H out and we went to let the kitties out. All the horses were in the usual nap area all quietly getting along. Time for coffee and computer work before I go to town. I was off to town at 10:30 for a chiro appointment. It has been 2 years almost to the day since I hurt my back and she helped. Today she did so again although I did not feel this till later in the afternoon. She said I had sprained my SI joint.

watch Shaina's amazing early morning video

I then stopped at Amanda's to drop off sausage; headbands/wallet for the girls from Shaina along with 2 swimming passes from when the girls were youths that the swimming pool said they would still honor!! I picked up my shampoo order along with a jar of sourdough starter. After a visit I was on my way.

Next stop was a couple returns at Walmart, a Starbucks coffee with my Instagram won gift card and an Opa wrap on my way to get Cooper. It was then home to the ranch in the glorious 15 sunshine. Once I ate my wrap and finished my caramel Brule coffee I took the dogs for a walk. I did a quick poop scoop loop then in to paint the high chair another coat, the bowl and a bread box after scrubbing it up.

horse herd guard dog? or small horse?

Now the bowl was up to get its fun rice paper added to the sides; cut, adhesive, apply and seal. Then the edges sanded smooth. I hauled in the highchair and of course found areas in the bright sunshine that needed touchups so worked on that with a  few bowl touchups.

The new neighbor Brittany text with photos and requesting help with a 3 legged lame horse. Britt pulled in just after 5 getting off early today and we headed over to help taking the vet kit. The diagnosis was an abscess after B's exam, she gave Nickers bute and by the time we were leaving she was feeling better already.

Back at the ranch B fed the horses, while they ate I held Biebs and she washed his cuts. I put the kitties away with soft food and filled their water and soon after B and Coop were headed home. I cooked up shrimp chow mein for my supper which was quite tasty. Neighbor Brittany text her farrier came to pull the shoe and indeed found an abscess so our vet B was correct. I had a shower then worked on the blog while watching a new Netflix show called 100 Humans. It is an interesting data gathering show testing 100 humans. H went out at midnight and to the garage as per new routine. Shaina was back home at 2 am.

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