Friday, November 26, 2021

Plus 12 chinook continues

S was up at 7 to go hunting again with friends as the extra eyes. He made coffee and packed his stuff with H overseeing. He was off at 8 leaving the lights and TV on and Harley outside who of course wanted in. No sleep in for me since 7 hahaha. I made H wait for her usual breakfast time while I made a cappuccino. Then it was time to do marketing. I had offered the chalkboard gal a great deal on the corkboard for Black Friday last night which see took me up on so this week has been a good week for sales.

Then it was time to get working on the desk, the white washing was finished and waxing started. One drawer pull was painted and waxed but I was not a fan so scrubbed it clean and buffed back to original. S text the meat should be in the fridge so I moved things around and went and hauled 2 tubs in. The dreaded wind arrived and blew but it is plus 12.

I popped in for a bowl of soup for late lunch and put the roast in the slow cooker. I was going to make the brownies I was planning to take to Cole's for supper tomorrow night but no eggs, darn it! So I did the mantle decorating. The little accent table was moved and I saw the wee edges needed paint so did that, now all ready to be delivered.

The horse boot company has a good sale on today so I headed out taking H for a walk with me to try the boots on yet again. When I called the company they wanted more photos so back out I went. Then I jumped in S's jeep and ran to the neighbors to grab some eggs. Of course we visited for a bit before I was back.

I prepped veggies for supper then got on to accounting while watching Blown Away Christmas. I started this last night and it is a short 4 episodes but oh how I love glass. B and Coop arrived before 6:30 , she was off to feed the horses. I served supper for Britt, Shaina and I at 7. Sheldon arrived home at 8 as Britt was heading home. He ate then headed out to clean up the bone pile. I rearranged the deep freeze then we bagged the raw pieces for H and I got them in the fridge freezer. S started grinding a bowl of his deer meat as Kaylin arrived for the evening at 9:30 and to stay the night. I headed to bed to watch iPad as S finished up and the girls were off to the suite.

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