Tuesday, November 9, 2021

S goes to first Flames game in years

I awoke after 6 thinking I heard the speaker then again after 8 when a bird hit the window. Between each I pondered tasks I need to do before feeding H after 8:30. S was up soon after and made a pot of coffee. Thankfully my phone alarm reminded me of a zoom biz meeting with one of my paint companies. It was just over an hour but I was informative. S and H went and let kitties out and refilled my cup during it too.

S relaxed in big brown for the am while I got busy doing marketing and computer stuff. The soup was finished for lunch with Shaina popping up to join us. She and I were back to our computers and S now moved to the couch. I got the navy dresser tutorial live and shared on many sites and groups.

While S napped I went and sprinkled kibble for H to do a search which of course brought the magpies so I went out and scooped poop while she hunted them out. Of course J had to join in to but think he helped keep magpies away too. Back inside I was back to my knowledge class.

I was cleaning the garage and going garage laundry when S woke and popped out after getting ready for his night out and offered to make a drink. I joined him for one and we came up with a plan for him to get to and from the hockey game : Shaina :) She finished up work and headed to the gym for a quick workout before he picked her up at 4:30 and they headed to the city. He was to meet the service company guys taking him to the game for supper at 5:30. He was stoked to see his team after a couple years away from the dome.

The antique dresser I started awhile back from Britt was hauled out while I was cleaning and hauled outside to power sand the drawer fronts. It was brisk out there at 5 degrees but I got a couple grits done. S threw the ball a bit before he left for H who kept bringing it to me while sanding.

There are scratches everywhere on this piece, WTH did someone do? It was for sure refinished in the past but with a carving knife to apply??

I cooked up some gyoza with a kombucha before H and I went and put kitties away with soft food. B was out at her usual time to feed the horses. She is not a fan of feeding in the dark and trying to transfer this task to me ;) I posted a couple of posts on Instagram after wood filing the extra holes in 2 of the drawers fronts I forgot to do earlier. After computer work I headed to bed to relax and watch Amazon prime series. The crazy chinook winds picked up around 8:30 and blew hard keeping Harley on guard. Shaina called having trouble finding Sheldon at the predesignated pickup spot but eventually found the wayward soul and they were home before midnight. I shut off my show at 12:30 hoping to have a sleep in day tomorrow.

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