Thursday, February 18, 2021

Weather continues to improve

Sunny -14 start to the day when I fed H after 7 before Cooper's arrival. Today is C daycare day arriving a little later then usual. B had my hot chai tea too, thanks. After she was off they went out for the first blast of the day. I worked on marketing till S was up at 9 having had a nice sleep in day. He did let H out for a potty break around 6:30 then back to sleep. He searched up a marinade recipe for his white tail tenderloin over a couple more coffees.

I wrote a tutorial for the "cement" plant pot. S mixed up his marinade and let it soak then stacked the overflowing recyclables. Another Amazon delivery at 11 for dog toothbrushes Britt is going to try. The egg gal passed them as she made her delivery next. The stool buyer was a bit later. Once he was loaded and on his way S went and let the kitties out with the dogs hot on his heels. They stayed out to play for half hour then in for another rest. The whole day was like this for them seeing the weather was finally nice.

This was in the package picked up yesterday, another Instagram win!!

S made omelets for lunch then time for a rest. After his rest he headed out to do a task and I took the dogs and kittens for a walk. 

As I was taking their photo I saw his task, what the heck! See anything?

Back from our walk I did a meat search for the dogs. S came in successfully removing the snow on the solar panels. He tossed recyclables into the truck box then worked on finishing the GST to enter while I hauled the uber dirty dresser over to scrub. It was nasty.

I prepped a huge pan or veggies to roast and S put some potatoes in the mic, mashed and made twice baked to go with the tenderloin. Once everything was cooked up we feasted and I have to say it was quite good. Must have been the rum added to the marinade.

After tidying up it was time to finish Jack Ryan season. Britt was out to pick up Cooper at 9 having finished her weekly webinar after work. She was kind enough to put cats away before heading home.

Sheldon's view

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