Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentines

I have an odd internal clock that has me always checking the time at 5:30 then H wanted out before 7 today. It was a frigid -29 so she was out and in and tucked back in her kennel; to early to eat. I crawled back into bed and as a Valentine's miracle fell back asleep till 8:45!! I made a cappuccino, fed H her breakfast with a bonus egg and probiotics then went down to put Lexi's eye drops in. She was up not long after to go for a super quick pee outside as I did marketing and send off some valentine texts. I had ordered and picked up these for my Valentine <3

the lid is a bit frosty as I pulled out of freezer for the pic

Shaina was up mid morning for her cappuccino then back down to journal. Today is her day off. Britt and Cooper arrived after 11 to try out his new boots. After a few attempts to adjust fit they were a bust filling with snow and all round uncomfortable. B fed Bird and tossed hay to the horses before heading back to town before 1. It was sunny but the wind blew bitterly. I applied silver and zinc waxes to the 2 little vases. Not sure if that is the end yet.

S and I ate the leftover soup, she headed back downstairs and I wrote a tutorial for the grey jewelry box. then it was on to posting it and sending to sponsors. Music was shut off and iPad out with The Wilds. Time to get more cleaning done this time cleaning under my sink and drawers.

Shaina ran to town at 4 to do videos and a workout at the gym with special permission. She was back in about 45 to get another SD card and a tea for her mom xoxo. She then headed back while I finished vacuuming then feeding dogs.

nothing says love like a ring of  AV deer sausage :)

I made us a sausage supper but started without her as it was now almost 7. She arrived not long after to join me. We chatted about starting her new business and taxes while I washed up the dishes then she was off for a bath and me to update todays blog with my iPad. I headed to bed around 9 and finished the season of The Wilds, dang it left it on a cliff hanger!

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