Friday, February 12, 2021

Another -31 day

Another -31 start to a day with my 7:05 alarm dog. She did a quick loop around and into eat. I made a cappuccino and got laundry started including stripping our bed. Snow started coming down for a bit or little crystals floating in the overcast wintery day. Shaina was up around 9:30 to make a cap and get on with her work day of video calls.

Want to play tug Lexi?

watch these videos, these two are so funny when it comes to the tug rope

It did start to warm up if -22 is warm lol before noon. H and I went out to give the horses the last of the oats and sunflower seeds. Back inside I had some roast as my lunch then decided to head back out and toss a bale in the blue tub and scoop all the poop accumulated in the arena. One wheelbarrow later we headed back inside as the sun came out. Sun makes all the difference doesn't it?

They scattered out the door when they heard me going up the stairs but as soon as I spoke they hustled back in hoping for food.

Are you brining snacks?

Time to get back to laundry and house cleaning luckily with my iPad and Younger. This invention makes chores so much better! Then it was back to working on tutorials and computer work. I took a break and gave Harley a good brush in the garage and swept up a full dustpan. This is way better to do outside. The dog bedding was washed up and vacuumed out while I was vacuuming the main floor.

motely garage crew

Rice was cooked up to go with the left over meat sauce but I ate alone as Shaina had her last meeting at 5 but was not up till 7. Britt and Cooper stopped out and it was now -19 so the dogs could play out for a bit longer. She did not stay long. Once up Shaina ate then headed to town for groceries. She was back in an hour with her goods and the mail. I finished up computer work, hopped in the shower then crawled into my clean sheets to finish season 6 of Younger. Now I have to wait for the next season. Shaina made popcorn for us both then she was off to her room with Lexi. I started a new series called The Wilds before lights out.

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