Thursday, February 11, 2021

-32 not counting windchill

It got even colder -32 as forecast. It was a quick out and around for Harley just after 7. Brrr I made a cap and started my marketing day. Lexi and Shaina were up before 10 making her cap and doing computer work. Etsy ads were updated and videos added to a few missing ones as well as blogs. Harley and I went out to feed the horses oats in the arena and check all blankets. Roo was the only one with a loose strap but she was not interested in getting it adjusted.

restaged to update Etsy post

I was just backing out of the garage at noon to head to town when I had an Etsy sale alert. If only I did not have a tight timeline ahead I could have ran back in and boxed it up to take along. My first appointment was to pick up my glasses but once I put them on I was shocked to find I could not see anything. It seems they had the wrong prescription. The old lenses were put back in and I wait another 2 weeks to get them. Off to my massage across the street. It was nice as been quite a few months since I had one.

Next on my list was picking up an old dresser I bid on and won. I honestly thought I was just helping run up bids but I got it without paying attention. It is in rough shape but I can fix it I am sure. I loaded it up then off to let Cooper out for a pee. Next to Walmart for groceries and cat food. Next was to pickup Lexi's eye drops K forgot to send swinging thru Tims to grab a tea and Boston cream for my late lunch. My last stop was to pick up a Valentines gift then home in a perfect loop.

almost 34000 KM in almost 6 years

Shaina had cleaned out her jeep in the garage while I was gone so she backed out when I pulled in. Groceries unloaded and put away then she said J went out while she was cleaning. I bundled up to go find him which was easy as he was on his favorite hay bale in the sheltered sun. he was happy to be back inside I think. Now to package up the frame. I had to cut apart a sturdy box, wrap it in bubble wrap, plastic bags between layers of paper, build a top for the box and tape it all up including the shipping label. It is good to go.

I think Stella needs a bed lol

I cooked up spaghetti and meat sauce for supper which Shaina and I enjoyed while the sun was still shining as not yet 6. S was then off to shower to prepare for a 7 pm zoom meeting. B was invited for supper and arrived after 6. The pups took a quick play loop then into their kennels while B ate her spaghetti and garlic toast. She was kind enough to take my parcel back to town and drop at the drug store depot before 7.

I grabbed my iPad and got working on the blog. Season 6 of Younger was started. Then Lexi and I moved to the comfy warm bed.

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