Sunday, February 7, 2021

-26 kinda day, time for puzzle # 2.

Harley wanted to play as getting a bit cooped up with this cold snap (-26 this am) so I gave her the last marrow bone S bought at the butchers in her kennel while I wrote a Hometalk post for the navy end table. S enjoyed his coffees in bed staying warm. I lit another fire and pulled out a new puzzle. Not sure who gave us this one but it is 1000 pieces ;)

above thru my dirty window and below I dared to open the door but think may as well not bothered as both similar.

I put a roast in the slow cooker for supper. Once up S cooked up some bacon in the oven, made scrambled eggs, beans and toast for our brunch. He also went and rescued the cats hauling them into the garage seeing it is so cold and tossed a bale for the ponies too. I tidied my work space in the garage seeing kitties love to jump up. The 2 little vases were clear coated too.

After lunch and his nap S joined the puzzle making as did curious George

Britt and Cooper came out mid afternoon, she fed Bird after taking dogs out in their coats for a bit. She then left Cooper and ran to town for a bit then back for supper. Grey cup Sunday started around 5 but played in the background as we continued on the puzzle. This one is a bit more challenging. We did not even get it completely done by days end.

H just had to check out pieces all the time

After the halftime show and supper B and coop went home. Kaylin declined coming for supper today having a sore throat and going to get tested yet again and sadly her test came back positive. She will be quarantining for 2 weeks in hopes of getting better soon. We headed to bed after 9, S to sleep and me watching YouTube videos till 11.

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