Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sick day for H & S

Today poor H had a tough start to the day. After going out, eating then coming in she wanted back out when S made coffee to eat grass. She came to the garage with me to work on the cement projects but soon puked a big pile. I sent her out while I cleaned it and found a small amount on stairs she had puked after eating it seems. I gave her a bit more of her old food then had her rest in kennel for a bit but when S went out to roll a partial bale she was out puking again and aggressively eating grass. Shaina is having a migraine day today so not feeling good either.

3 sanded

I spoke with the vet clinic and ordered dewormer seeing she has also been itchy. They filled the script and had it ready to go. She was kenneled to rest as only wanted to eat grass and fluff off garage floor. I jumped in the shower quick then S to ready for the day.

S and I ran to town; first stop Irish cream restock, pick up some jars then I took Cooper for a walk while S dropped off a tool he borrowed from a friend. Cooper is having a tough day so B recruited me to walk him but he was so anxious with a fellow snow blowing and the kids on the playground and would not go. Perhaps the -15 with a breeze didn't help either. Back at the condo S was measuring for a door plan in the basement as B's roommate moves in this w/e. I finally got Cooper to pee at least in the backyard.

Next was to pick up the dewormer at the vet clinic as well as a dose for Cooper then loop thru Tim's for teas, grab the mail and back home for a bowl of soup with our teas.

I finished my cement vases and the plant pot with paint and poly while S conferenced called in with Kaylin at the bank.

which side do you prefer?

layering colors on the pot

He was then off after 3 for the airport after jumping the merc to start. I gave H her dewormer then she had another rest while I poly coated the vases. Seeing she was feeling better after her nap, I took her for a walk. We dropped J off at the barn (he had been lunging in the garage since getting in when we left for town) and shut them in for the day. She was happy to be out bounding around but sure was hungry trying to eat frozen horse poop. A gal stopped to pick up the last faux tree while I was scooping poop and playing ball with H.

Inside I unboxed my new iPhone 12 Pro, fancy blue and transferred everything over. A tutorial was written for the latest jewelry box. Since H felt better I gave her half her usual amount of old dog food and a little rice. She is famished it seems poor girl.

H left her ball in the paddock which Switch found entertaining for a bit.

Britt and Cooper stopped out quick for his poop a quick play then back to town. I finished season 3 of The Magicians while doing accounting. I mashed up some guacamole for Shaina and I to enjoy around 8:30 with her finally feeling a bit better and doing some laundry. H was given the other half of her supper and happily went to bed in her kennel. After 9:30 I finished updating the blog and headed to bed to start season 4 of the Magicians in bed passing Shaina who was getting ice cream and swapping her laundry loads. At least she is feeling better and H too.

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