Wednesday, January 20, 2021

First Costco run 2021

After a sleepless night I let H out at 6:30 but managed to fall asleep till after 8. S made coffee enjoyed in bed before we had a bowl of cereal and prepped to run to the city. He let out the kitties and rolled out the other partial bale while I showered up. We set off before 11 leaving H to guard the house.

The vacuum beater head that was not completely repaired was dropped off first then we went to Costco. It has been since last fall since I have been there. S took the returns to do while I started shopping. Their new scan system was ineffective missing a $30 jacket and once he went back they refunded a sale price not even looking at the full price receipt. He did not notice till out of the line up so we have to get adjustment next time we do returns. Our cart was pretty full with a hefty bill but think we have a few supplies.

Our next stop was Home Depot but it seems the wood shortage continues with zero luck for growth rulers wood. I did grab a few dowels for a necklace holder I plan to make then we grabbed the repaired vacuum part. Time to head home rerouting thru the city with road closures etc. We stopped at DQ to grab a burger finishing it in time to grab a tea in Chestermere as we passed thru. 

We then looped thru town to grab some more of the yummy canned margaritas and the mail then back to the ranch before 3. Harley was happy to see us. We hauled in and put away then S hit the couch for a nap. I took H for a walk seeing it was sunny plus 3 followed by her find it treats in the snow. Back inside she rested while I did some marketing catch up. Once awake S went and put the kitties away and prepped chicken wings for supper. I made more of the yummy coleslaw to be the side. Hockey was on which made his day.

Britt and Coop were out at 6:30 with a short half hour visit and off. I worked on the blog taking a break to eat the wings/salad then finished up. Shaina is not feeling well so staying in Banff longer then planned and got tested for covid today. I watched some more Magicians episodes while S watched more hockey.

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