Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cement projects underway

H did NOT want to go out today as another cold one out there, she ate and chose to lay on her bed. I even pushed her out at 7:30 but she just stood outside the door. S made coffee after 8 and enjoyed a few cups in bed. I had one there then off to computer to get some stuff caught up. Shaina was up quick around 9 after her early 6 am meetings to grab a snack and back to work. I touched up the "dirt" and sprayed clear wax on and brought in to dry. S went and let cats out then relaxed reading articles online. There was a light snow fall for the morning.

I prepped some glass vases after watching a cement tutorial. Inside I had S help me adjust the metal leg holders on the dresser to straighten them. He helped me move it downstairs to the space I cleared. I affixed the pulls now that it had dried a few weeks. Out to the garage to layer my first coat of "cement" on.

future cement projects

first cement coat

The shelf was staged. The new vacuum neck works on the power head, yeah. I got the main floor and our bedroom carpet on the test run. I tried vacuuming H too but she was gone after my attempt. The snow let up and sun peeked out after lunch but then was covered and the snow picked up  heavier which looked so pretty.

I scrubbed up vases for another project

S went out at 2 to decide on the workbench placement taking H with him. I went out to continue work on the cement vases. H came in after an hour with S and J following around 4 for a beverage and warm up in the garage as I sanded. He headed back out to finish a few odds and ends and lock cats in. I did some cement sanding and came in to prep supper.

The work bench in place and being stocked, apparently it is even more covered after this photo

The roast went in at 5, the last winter squash a bit later, coleslaw was made and potatoes oiled and seasoned and added even later. B joined us for supper as well arriving after 6:30. We ate around 7 with Shaina still in a meeting and not eating till after Britt left for home. I enjoyed my usual iPad viewing in bed while S was off to sleep.

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