Friday, January 1, 2021

Hello 2021

Cooper felt the need to go outside at 2:22 am on Jan 1 to do what I am not sure. He was awake early too but that is because of Britt's schedule I think. I sent them out after 7:30 into a beautiful sunrise with -5 temps. Hello 2021!

video view of this beauty sight

I woke with a headache ;( but got my caps going and working on marketing after writing out some goals and intentions for 2021. The dogs and I let the cats out around 9 to join in the new year frolicking. Messages and texts were sent to the fellow wanting the ruler that was picked up last week as he plans to pick up this am. Another customer requested a large desk painted and will drop off this w/e.

I headed to the garage to start on my paint project but it quickly morphed into a sanding project. I stopped after 11 when the ruler was picked up. Perfect time to have a bite to eat; first meal of 2021 was peanut butter and honey on rye bread. What did you have?

Then it was back out to finish sanding the dresser top and drawer fronts. I originally planned to do a black wash but the sanding changed that plan. Now what to stain the wood.. black? grey? I decided to start with white wash as you can always go darker like on past projects.

I was finishing the dresser top when Britt arrived after 3. She picked up a parcel at Purolator, thanks. She was under the weather so after feeding Bird she hit the couch for a bit. Then she challenged me to a game of crib. After I won she headed back to the couch for another nap LOL. Kaylin arrived just after 5:30 with the Chinese food I ordered picking it up on her way back from the city. It was great to have a meal I did not have to cook yet full of veggies I was wanting. Shaina did not make it to join us as she was really under the weather today.

If you know Harley you know why B is hiding in her sweater :)

Harley loved her belated Christmas gift.

B loaded up Coop and headed home after eating. I did some computer work as did Kaylin after she scratched her scratch ticket gift pack.. winning $4. The day was overcast but did hit PLUS 3 and tomorrow is to be warmer. The chinook winds that brought the warm temps may have been the cause of my headache all day. I headed to soak in the tub and watch Netflix. I started the Headspace: guide to meditation series then season 2 of Dream Home Makeover. Amanda text a new show on Amazon Prime they were watching called The Boys and seeing I only have a month trial decided to swap over to it and check it out. It is a bit odd in places but watched 1 1/2 before shutting out lights. Shaina made it home just after midnight in the still windy plus 3 chinook.

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