Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Rain in January?

What a crazy day to wake up to after a super windy night. The wind had let up a bit but it began to rain after 8 with some sun peeking thru and a rainbow. Watch the video for proof. Then it stopped and the skies clouded over. Jenkins was also howling at the front door, how did he get out? I will go check after the rain.

watch the rain and look for the rainbow

I made my caps and got marketing and working on tutorials and cleaning up photos as my computer is once again low on memory. The crazy howling winds came back at 10:30 making for an ugly day. Looks like kitties will stay inside for awhile yet. I wrote a tutorial for the yellow chair and shared it all over. 

Then I got onto a procrastinated project but high on my list of things to do in 2021: deep cleaning the laundry room. This poor room is the catch all for everything and is piled high. So into the chaos I went. Lots was sorted and put where it should go. I purged two boxes of vases to give my flower growing friend and once I was putting something in the garage I found another box full for her. The car was almost full by days end.

just one of the boxes of vases

I have a vision to paint this huge ceramic bowl, perhaps I should get on it

The wind let up a bit around 3 so I headed out with H to let the kitties out and see where J may have gotten out. I could not find anywhere so he had to have darted out behind B last night. While I was out the chinook days have unearthed lots of poop. I scooped lots while tossing the ball for Harley.

Back inside I got back to the laundry room. By supper time it was all tidied with the floor vacuumed and washed. Another can of worms was opened once I started cleaning one of the large cupboards. But I had most back in order in time to cook some goulash for supper. H and I went out after 6 to put the cats away then worked on some marketing while watching Little Fires Everywhere.

B and Coop stopped for their usual poop trip and quick play with H. She picked up the mail seeing I had a parcel that could freeze, thanks. Then they were off for home. I finished up my computer work and headed to bed to finish the Little Fires season followed by some YouTube.

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