Monday, January 4, 2021

Desk painted black

Sleep, rise, repeat ;) While Harley ate I sanded the brush marks on the desk top then we headed in for cappuccino and marketing. The kittens were let out and I found Shaina up doing her Monday check ins and was not pleased as the internet started to act up so I made my first call to provider. I was assured it might just be an electrical flicker dropping service. 

I went out and painted the first coat of black on the desk finishing up at 1 coming in for lunch. Kaylin and Shaina were doing their thing but the internet was once again down so another 45 minute wait. Just as this call ended the entire network went down with no coming back up so back on hold for yet another 30+ minute hold.

While on hold I finished a second coat on parts on the desk. I managed to get the second agent on the 3rd call. She confirmed that indeed a tower issue just came thru and they were now working on it. Three people running a business online sure finds how much they rely on it when it is gone. Kaylin and I played some Skip Bo before I headed out to toss a bale for the horses and take H and the 2 wee kitties for a walk. My new year goals is to try and get her one walk a day in. It was a brisk plus one out there with an overcast and breeze so it was only about 20 minutes. I fed and put the kitties away before coming in.

Back inside another game of Skip Bo with K as I cooked spaghetti and meat sauce for supper. Shaina finished up and joined us. The internet was finally back up around 6:30. B text if I had supper made but she is not a spaghetti fan however she was hungry enough she took me up on it arriving before 7:30 as usual. She did not stay long after eating. S & K were off to work out later while I finished up online then headed to bed to finish season one of The Boys and start season 2. I did take a break after finishing season 1 to join the girls for their yoga cool down. Sheldon arrived home before 11 and he too finished the spaghetti and meat sauce before hitting the sheets.

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