Wednesday, January 6, 2021

S is off on a road trip

H went out after 7 then back into kennel. Not sure if she is still feeling off but she did go back to sleep. S started coffee late after 9. He is making a big old road trip today thru Oyen, Kindersley, Acadia Valley and possibly even Medicine Hat. He chugged coffee and a bowl of cereal to get his day going. I did some quick marketing. He started out after 10 stopping by to pick up a Christmas gift I had ordered and will take to Mom and Dad's however he was back to use the washroom before his big road trip. It did allow me to see the custom made cookies before being delivered. I got to work clear coating the desk.

These are custom ordered sugar cookies made by a local lady, check her out at Mamas Sweet Cookie Co. These are not her usual cookie creations but rather an artistic interpretation.

He was off again at 11 getting fuel on way thru town then first stop at Mom and Dad's where she has lunch planned for him. I finished up the clear coat and came in at noon. Kaylin and Lexi were up soon after to get her iced coffee going. Gail picked her up at 1 to go on a vinyl pick up.

It was a nice enough day out even though no real sunshine but did hit PLUS 5. I took the dogs and cats for a walk then spent some time scooping poop from all around the house as the snow is melting. Kaylin text she was at Costco so came in to get her a list. Thanks girls for that!

I worked on some accounting and marketing then went out to see the desk. The clear coat was dry and a bit streaky but when I gave it a light sanding white specks appeared, WTH! Was it the paint? the paintbrush? the clear coat? I proceeded to sand it all and hand scrape off the white specks. I grabbed the partial jar of black Fusion paint (I did not use it to start as not enough for this enormous desk) added a bit of water and got painting. The sanding took an hour and the painting of it another hour. Had I had a full jar of Fusion I would have saved myself 3 hours of work.

see the wee specks?

razor is one of my handiest tools

Fusion going on and below fusion is on the right while the other black on left. Fusion is for sure richer black.

I finished at 6:30, came in and ate the left over pork chop. Kaylin and Gail were back after 7 unloaded my few groceries and Gail was off. B pulled in not long after but just dropped off her dying fiddle leaf, let Cooper poop and play for 10 minutes and was on her way home to eat. It was a quiet evening with the usual marketing then off to relax with some shows. Sheldon text he did go to the Hat after getting bison in Kindersley and will stay the night at Ma & Pa K's. I  watched an episode of The Boys then started a new series called The Pack which is fun. It is amazing race with dogs!

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