Monday, September 30, 2019

Piles of snow

Another broken sleep night, I think since Lola slept thru the storm, now that the wind let up she felt she needed to earn her pay. I woke at 7, peruse Instagram for awhile then made a cappuccino. Time to get caught up on some marketing. And crazy, Vance turns 16 today!!

I turned on Marilyn at 9 am with no service. A call to Bell suggested snow so I donned my quilted coveralls and headed out. Sure enough there was a ton of snow piled on the dish!

 I hauled over this spool and used a mop to clean it off. Of course where did all the snow fall? yep on me ;) The -1 temps and no wind felt not bad at all. I got the shovel out and cleaned the deck, and sidewalks before coming in. I wrote a tutorial for some of the salt and pepper sets and got it posted in proper places and such. Trying to catch up with the last 4 days on the blog was in order.

Seems my good intentions of getting my planters by the door to haul in where forgotten with my market w/e ;(

B was at her place panicking of course as today is last minute details on her house purchase and a walk thru. I convinced her to wait until the highways were cleared. It seems there was an unusual backlog with so much snow in southern Alberta all coming down. She was also worried about our lane.

Again I dawned my covies, grabbed the snow covered ranger, fed the cats, loaded a bale and led them into the paddock. Our road had about 8 " of snow but was so soft and easy to get through. I powered up the gate and broke trail both ways for her.

food truck arrives

B arrived not long after I was back inside around 1:15. In short order we were off to town, first stop tims for a pumpkin spice tea, next to get a few more cleaning supplies, pick up her bank draft down payment, attempted to get a post office box then drop off the check at the lawyers. It was then on to the town to set up utilities and taxes which required a trip back to the back for a deposit slip and back but now all is in order. The starving child hit DQ drive thru for her lunch and we were off to Rona for more paint swatches before getting to the condo for her inspection.
love the resilient flowers of Alberta

All went well and by 4:30 we were headed back to the ranch where I could start the hamburger soup for supper and box up the teal tray that sold and gets free shipping tomorrow. B crashed on the couch moving not long after to her bed and sound asleep. S woke at 8 to feed Cooper and eat her soup as I was reading a few chapters of my book.

Dave arrived after his long drive south from Edmonton just before 9:30 to enjoy a hot bowl of soup. Shaina arrived not long after about 10 and Sheldon by 11. Pretty full house at the in tonight ;)

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