Friday, September 27, 2019

Market #2 sneek peek night

Another usual start to the day, I was working on last minute prep when Lola alerted me to Cohlin dumping dirt at the pit (he is the guy borrowing the skid steer and trailer) around 10. He was just heading out when Amanda pulled in about 10:20 to drop off Aislyn so she can take Archer to his mom & tot gymnastic class.

We had a fun hour half play date with her back before 12 to pick up. The gate was not working coming in nor out, GRRRR. So much for that repair they did. I got a few last minute things done, grabbed 2 pieces of PB & honey toast and I was on my way to my 2nd market of the season.

The rain started to increase as I left the yard and was heavy on and off on my drive. I did of course arrive early at 1:30 but it made me feel better prepared. Booths were not to set up until 2 but I managed to get in just before. This venue has 1 area to load/unload for 110 vendors!!! And the entrance is a narrow long road with sidewalks with 8" curbs on both sides. I backed in fairly well I have to say even with school letting out, market vendors bustling in and out with carts, the rain and traffic never ending at this venue.

My stuff was stacked in the door and I was off to park the truck. I did a great park job at the back of one of the parking lots but in hindsight I should have hogged half of the spot in front of me as I will alter learn. Back inside I got busy hauling my stuff from the door to my spot halfway along the back wall. Shaina ands Kaylin did not make it in time to help me unload the trailer but they did make it to help set up. I think they enjoyed playing shopkeeper and had some great display ideas. Shaina had wardrobe and hairstyle ideas too that would have been nice had she suggested prior too but I did not mind the quirky colored legging look for the painter lady ;)

 I even made a wee hiding spot ;)

We had the booth set up in short order and the girls were off; tonight they are going out to celebrate Kaylin's upcoming birthday. THANK YOU for your help girls!! XOXO I did a bit of a peruse around to check out other vendors and grab a dirty chai from the coffee vendor. This was my first, have you had one?

market from the coffee vendor level

all ready to go

The market doors opened at 4 pm. The wet drizzly weather helped I think to send people inside to look but I found many were lookers or shoppers of $5 items. My first night was a bit disappointing I have to say but I did enjoy visiting with the vendors beside me.

aren't these laser cut cork maps a sweet idea? They come with colored pins to mark where you been and where you want to go and a heart charm to mark home

Amanda and Lynda stopped by a few times as did my sneak peek ticket winner. Amanda had sent me this picture of my parking spot.

I was out the door soon after they closed at 9 and sure enough a different car had me blocked in. It  was not long though and the shoppers came out and apologized for hemming me in hoping they were out before me. I set off and was home by 10. Time to EAT something.. and yes it was goulash day #4 or 5, I have lost track lol with a cold beer.

I did a few quick marketing updates then hit the shower finally crawling into bed after 11. I read a bit of my new book before shutting out the lights. However sleep was short lived, see tomorrow's post.

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