Saturday, September 28, 2019

Market day 2 and the snow arrives

SO there was very little sleep last night and I mean little. After falling asleep after reading I awoke at 2:02 am. I tried to fall back asleep with no luck worrying how I was going to reverse the unloading plan and get out of the market tonight. Finally at 2:30 I turned on a light and finished reading the Tattooist by 4. Again trying to sleep with luck, I started the next book in the stack, The One reading till about 6 am. I finally fell asleep but woke at 7!!! And my alarm was not set until 7:45. it is going to be a long day.

Time for a cappuccino and get ready for the market day. I made another cappuccino to go and headed out at 8:30. Of course with my double gate open and close it took longer especially when the main gate was acting up again. I locked it in again so not to have any opening issues with the horses out. Snow was falling lightly as I drove off (without a winter coat, just a down vest) and it started to pick up as I went thru town to fill with fuel. I contemplated stopping at Amanda's to borrow one but decided I best get to the market to find a parking spot. The snow increased as I made my way to the city.

the view does not capture the fluffy flakes falling but they did increase

I arrived at 9:30 and found a spot to park in another parking lot this time leaving a bit more space in front of me. Inside I picked up a gift Amanda needed and looked into another before the doors opened at 10.

Today was a much better day for sales. Again I think the snowy weather brought people inside to shop.

The day went fairly fast with one bathroom break when a volunteer watched my booth. The weather reports varied from person to person but snow was pretty consistent. At 5 o'clock the doors were closed and it was time to take down.

I had it like this in about 15 minutes but with many having just tubs and a dolly bustling out I waited my turn to get the trailer in. I also requested Britt come help me move out seeing we would be doing allot for her this coming week. She worked at the track today and was not finished till 5 as well. She did arrive by 6, (sick with a head cold too) but our luck was not to be had for getting into the cue. The snow started to really come down as I was finally able to maneuver into the loading zone. As per Britt and Randy G, I drove in rather then back in. In hindsight I would NOT do this again. In short order B and I had all the pieces loaded, doors closed up and then it was backing out of that narrow roads banked with cement curbs in a white out snow day but I did it. 

It was now almost 7, B headed home to nurse her cold and tired day of working. I set off for home. Of course the snow let up outside the city limits LOL but it picked up closer to Strathmore. Good thing is it is melting soon after hitting the ground but feels cold. A coat sure would have helped! I stopped at Paetz's to drop off the Tattooist book and her parcel I picked up then I was off to pick up a parcel I had at the Purolator drop off. I grabbed a burger after having only a rice cake, some miss Vicky's chips and a weather so far today and it sure tasted good at 790 calories ;) Knowing the snow may sock in I grabbed a few groceries before making my way south.

Rolled into the yard at 8:30, 12 hours later, with the snow still coming down. I unloaded my parcels so not to freeze as forecast tonight, groceries and day bag and left the trailer of treasures out front. Lola was super excited to see me, was fed and off to patrol. I did some marketing catch up quick then changed into my comfy PJ's, grabbed a cold beer and crawled into bed to relax finally and read. My big market w/e was behind me.

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