Sunday, September 8, 2019

Reorganizing kinda day

Fog was back when I looked at 7 but lifted faster today. Coffee in bed was nice but I soon was up to get back to the marketing work. S had a lazy day in big brown till lunch reading "news". He was back in till he gave Kaylin a ride to town to her vehicle and fill with fuel around 2. I stayed home and wrote a blog tutorial for the wood riser. I then headed out to the trailer to check products for sizes on new sale posts, touch up some dinged pieces (the biggest downfall of hauling things to market) and rearrange to get the other ladder in.

Once back from town S did help me by removing a broke off screw in the vanity and we installed carriage bolts in the holes left from the motorbike chocks.

The day was nice around 20 so I did gardening and put the dog pool away till next year. Pep got his pill and the rest an apple as they passed by on their buffet fest. S worked on some machinery repairs and staked a tree. A jewelry box had a repair done, glued, braced and left to dry overnight. I wrote up a sale post for the vanity and got it on a few sale sites. I want to make new things next week but sure would love to make room with some bigger pieces sales.

I cooked up Hello Fresh meal # 3; a chicken power bowl. Sadly the avocado was yucky which was my anticipated highlight. Good thing we had a good one for lunch which I should have saved had I cut open then. The rest was ok but nothing spectacular like the quinoa bowl at Earl's.

I was then back to catching up the blog and writing more tutorials and moving photos around on the computer. My market box with staging props etc was reorganized and the float ready for next market. I watched a few more The Sinner episodes and realize I am in season 2, perhaps this is why it seems confusing LOL

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