Monday, September 2, 2019

Labour day

Another cool overcast morning in September. Cooper waited till 7 am before wanting out and I managed to get back to sleep for a bit longer. The usual cappuccinos were in order, perfect on this type of day or any really ;). I spent the morning marketing and promoting my sales and organizing display items and securing a credit/debit reader loan from Sharon.

not really hungry this am after his 7 am patrol

The sun popped out after 1 and stayed out. I had to go out and do gardening chores to enjoy some of it. Then it was back to accounting and house cleaning as my main and lower main areas are chaos!!

I was thinking I should let the horses out to graze in big pasture and not long after I looked out to see this.

So off I went to let them out then back to shop to find rope to secure the broken rail for when they go back in till repaired then to the house to close the yard gate.

Back at the house I wrote an email newsletter to update followers of the upcoming markets. Of course I watched Styling Hollywood while doing so.

orange is the new black

Shaina and Britt arrived home at 5:30, I cooked us up a quick supper. I made Shaina quick cappuccino as Britt went out to catch Bird. I met her in the barn to trim her, she then brought in Switch to get her done too. We let them out and caught Roo and trimmed her. Shaina headed in to the gym to work out while we did this. B and I finished up around 8:30, I showered and she packed up and headed for her place at 9.

I was watching 13 Reasons Why and washing dishes when Shaina got back after 9:30. She had to rustle up some cabbage rolls Grama sent along and salad after her workout then get on her workout plans for tomorrow. I moved to the comfy bed to keep watching. s arrived home early after 10:30 with a quick hello to all and soon off to sleep.

photos shared from todays Medicine Hat group, looks like a lovely day of catching up

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