Tuesday, October 1, 2019

B's new house

Today is the big day, B gets possession of her new house. In typical fashion the seller lost his RPR so delayed the morning. This provided us with time to have coffee & breakfast; Shaina was out the door for her 10 am training, gather paint supplies, unhook the cargo trailer and hook up horse trailer after B cleaned it out and throw horses a bale then load up her barbecue, washer and dryer.

I was up very early to put a new giveaway I am part of on Instagram. Lots of great prizes for 1 Canadian winner, be sure to enter.

By noon the realtor text to say the keys were ready! B and I jetted in to get them lickety split. The fellows gathered some more supplies and came in soon after.

this is her realtor Christa

Once we had the tour and saw the great housewarming gift the realtor left PLUS the offer to provide pizza and beer we were off to Rona to get the paint and some other goodies. The fellows unloaded the washer, dryer and barbecue while we were off. 

Time to get busy; blinds were taken down, registers removed along with wall plates and painting began. B has chosen a warm browny grey that looks lovely. She and Dave did most of the painting while Sheldon and I worked on wall paper removal. WTH I think they added wall paper paste to the self pasted type as it would not come off without water, steam, scraping scrubbing and repeat.

green wall left will be warm white and a feature wall

Shaina popped over between her classes and ran to Subway with our food order. THANKS Dave for providing us lunch. We carried on with the painting and wall paper stripping getting the master bedroom 3 walls painted 2 coats and 1 spare room first coat, and the other spare stripped of wall paper. S was off to a rodeo meeting at 6.

I started cleaning kitchen cupboards which included pulling out some old contact paper which was a gooey mess. B scrubbed out the fridge while Dave kept painting. Shaina stopped back to help after her classes about 8:30 and after about 15 minutes of painting she had paint on her new lulu lemon leggings. I hand washed as much out as I could but some remained so she headed home to use the orange cleaner.

S was back before 9 bringing cold beer again compliments of Dave, THANKS! That was refreshing. The fellows relaxed for a bit with the beers while we finished up our kitchen cleaning and we all headed home before 10 to join Shaina for a bowl of hamburger soup then all off to bed. I finished The One, worth the read while S was sound asleep, pretty busy Tuesday for him ;)

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