Monday, October 28, 2019

more snow

Another crappy sleep with my sore back, luckily the new chiropractor I hope to see called and booked me in for tomorrow. The ground was covered with snow when I awoke at 8 and the day continued to get worse. The satellite was out so I had to get the window washer and head out in my short housecoat...brrrrr but it worked. It was -9 overnight and only -8 now.

Happy birthday Mama K, hope you have a great day!

Lola ate quick then hunkered back under the deck. The wind picked up and snow swirled with more coming down off and on. White out conditions would come and go starting around 10, the perfect day to drink my cappuccinos and write posts for Hometalk as I have another feature coming tomorrow for the large hutch. I wrote posts for the white silverware chest, B's light fixtures and a magnetic frame.

At 11 the white out of snow lifted but the wind continued then before noon the white out was back off and on. I made banana bread seeing it was so crappy out.

I have a fancy mixer but 9/10 times I always gram this little hand mixer from Grama K to mix with

Then I whipped up the trash can deodorizer tabs I had been wanting to make.

 mix, squish and let dry

For supper I cooked up a pot of chili; again a warm comfort food on a cold day. It was tidy the house day too seeing the prince was on his way home and Shaina was here for her weekly work days. I was working on marketing when she arrived around 8:30 to eat some chili and banana bread along with her usual snowjoe ;) We visited before I was off to bed to catch some Netflix Explained while she caught up on computer work. S arrived after 11 from the great white north.

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