Friday, October 4, 2019

B gets most things moved in

Happy birthday Papa! XOXO Enjoy your cruise!

I was awake at my now new usual time 7 am, I cruised Instagram and cookie jam before the coffee went off at 8:30. The prince woke to get our relaxing cups in bed as B let Cooper out. She got dressed and was off to IKEA by 9:30. I wrote a blog tutorial for the teal tray. Laundry was started but only 1 load. I was to have Aislyn for the mom/tot gymnastic class but I said we would be here which did not make it clear here was the ranch and not B's so miss A went along to class.

life of Mr Jenkins

S had hooked up the horse trailer and prepped a cooler for Costco goodies and about 11:15 we set out for Costco stopping to get the mail which has been weeks delayed. A stop at the John Deere dealer found prices too high for a few little parts so it was off to Costco. We found lots of goodies to stock up on including a slab of steaks for Kaylin's birthday barbecue on Sunday.

found cheap wipers for B that actually work

We were then off to B's Airdrie home to load it all up at 1. Shaina met us there and for the next two hours we stacked and loaded. It seems there needs to be another load yet but that will be another day.

the truck box, backseat and under my feet were loaded too

Headed east after 3 we backed in and had it unloaded in an hour working double time with just the 3 of us. We did take a snack break in that hour too to chug a beer and eat some chicken tacos I grabbed at Costco. Did you know it was National Taco Day? I would recommend buying these!

Now it was onto unboxing, I worked on the kitchen as I love to organize. B moved boxes to the proper rooms while S tried to rest on the freshly vacuumed couch. He  secured the towel rack that pulled off the wall and then hung the first set of curtains.

I hung B's horse photo in the dining room ;)

Boxes were unloaded and stacked in the garage, rugs were laid after more vacuuming and organizing. It is beginning to look like home.. on the main floor anyway ;) We wrapped it up an hour early tonight heading for home at 8:30. S and I swung by the fuel station while B picked us up a hot tea to relax with.

Once everything was unloaded and Costco put away we ate the last of the tacos then I updated the blog, the other 2 crashed one on the couch the other in bed with the TV. I watched a few Trinkets before turning off the lights.

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