Tuesday, October 29, 2019

B furnace blows cold air

It was -16 this am!! S made his coffee strong today so I opted for my usual cappuccinos. I showered up and did a bit of marketing while S relaxed before we headed for town before 10:30. It seems Britt's furnace was only blowing cold air so he went to trouble shoot it while I went to my chiropractor appointment.

He was back to pick me up before noon then back to her house. It seems that the thermal coupler needs replacing having gotten down to 13 degrees in the house. And with the freezing day out this was a need fixed. He hung the light we had painted up awhile back then ran to get the new coupler and install it. Once it was all working we headed home after 1:30.

Shaina was showering for her training day, ate and was on her way around 2:30. S plopped into big brown as soon as we got home and was sound asleep till I rousted him to eat at 3:30!!I had him help me carry in my coffee table to stage and he was back in big brown, it is Tuesday after all ;)

I prepped the hutch by moving to the door, removing and bundling up the glass shelves and timing up the light cord.

I was starting to cook supper at 5:30 seeing the hutch would be picked up around 7 owever they messaged they were doe early and on their way in about half an hour. I slowed the salmon down and started the rice jut before they arrived. Britt and Dave arrived after 6, hooked up the trailer then I loaded in the red items to go and be picked up at their rental place. Dave and I unloaded the shutters out of the back before they set off. They went out the gate as Hertz’s came in at 6:30. We had the hutch loaded, strapped in and them on their way by 7.

Inside I got supper complete and we enjoyed it not long after. We were just finishing up as Shaina pulled in at 7:30, perfect timing to get her supper hot too. S was off to the TV room for the World Series baseball. dude and I visited while she ate and I did dishes then she was off to do homework and I work on marketing.

Britt and Dave were back to drop off the trailer at 10 having loaded, unloaded and had the customer pick up the goods, thanks guys. Then they headed right back to the condo to eat their pizza. I started a new Explained series on memory  on Netflix with the prince coming to bed early before 10:30! And in minutes he was sound asleep ;)

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