Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New projects

Thanks to the bird hunters I had my wakeup alarm at 8:00 on the dot, hunting season must open then LOL Shaina was up early too to head off to the city by 8:30. S shuffled out before 9 putting on his coffee pot and spending time looking for a new stove for the rental. I wrote a tutorial for the large mandala lazy Susan and posted it on a few sites and sent to the sponsors.

B posted this photo of the proud new home owners ;)

Before 11 S headed out to cut some hardboard I needed for the vintage frame seeing he had the table saw in the shop as well as grind off the metal logo on the coat rack for me. I walked out and gave Daisy and Pep their pills and everyone half an apple treat.

S brought me the boards (with a wee wobble in ones lower edge) and rack then was off to grade the road. I painted the boards their first coat of chalkboard paint then headed to the barn to spray paint the magazine rack. Back at the house S was catching the news as we had turkey sandwiches.

I headed out to the garage to put another chalkboard coat on then to barn to flip and finish the magazine rack. S was off to Matt's to help him with some chores needing the skid steer. It was then on to tagging the latest items, packing them up and loading most in the trailer. S was back before 3 as I was loading the last after organizing in the trailer. The day was lovely hitting 17 degrees.

A 3rd coat of chalkboard paint went on the hard boards and some touch ups on the magazine rack now to let them dry. S caught a nap in big brown as I caught Ellen and wrote up todays blog.

After a refreshing shower I cooked up our first hello Fresh meal; fig and brie grilled cheese. It was good but just not worth replacing the pan seared steak option of grilled salmon ;( We headed to Stout's at 7:30 for an evening of visiting. We were back home before 11 after enjoying a great catchup.

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