Saturday, April 20, 2019

Tree clearing day

What started out a lazy Saturday turned to a really hard working day. After our coffees and toast I was out in the garage applying another coat of ebony to the entire dresser. I started hauling out hardboard for drawer bottoms only to find the frost along the wall had warped the pile on a corner ;(

I came in at 1 to cook up the first Hello Fresh of the batch this week. It was a power bowl which was ok but not the mustard dressing.

B and Cooper arrived before 2 and she came bearing ice caps for us THANKS B!!!!. She however did not like the power bowl at all. Before riding I suggested we plant a couple wee evergreen trees I had growing in the garden. B has been wanting to trim trees along the road hedges so we took the chain saw along. The trees planted easy with such rich soil and the leaves kept the soil moist. We had the 5 in quick.

Moving on to the tree trimming B walked back to get the rest of the trimmers and we spent the next 5 plus hours cutting, sawing, hauling and cleaning about 1/3 of the 1/4 mile of caragana row. The weather ended up turning out amazing.

someone loves his chainsaw

The ranger was used to pull the piles out to the dump trailer S & B went to fetch and it swept along the way too. 3 loads were taken to Matt's pit and dumped. I ran for beverages when they took the first load. What a HUGE difference it made. Anyone else want to help us finish this ;)

The dogs did not find us till just before calling it a day. B walked them back to the house and started supper cooking salmon burgers and KD for supper, thanks B! I finished up as S took the trailer with just one pile left then I cleaned up and took the ranger home. After dumping the last load S too was house bound for us to eat late around 7:30.

What a beautiful evening. B and I headed out to ride. She even brought Roo along for some ponying training. S watched hockey with the teams whittling down. Back inside before 10 I hit the tub to soak, this busy day has created a few sore spots. OK allot of sore areas.. should have waited on the massage day ;)

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