Monday, April 8, 2019

Learned a new skid steer skill set

I was awake early again, must be this time change and loads of sunshine. S was awake not long after and made a pot of coffee for us to enjoy in bed. It was only 9 when I had finished perusing my online sites. I am not posting in the morning in hopes of getting more interaction on both Facebook and Instagram, not sure that it is working.

I got busy dark waxing Debby's tables; screwing the double decker back together and hauling in to stage. S went out and seeded his newly top soil filled water lines and fixed the broke soaker hose system before taking the skid steer out to collect the old hay that is left covering the grass. He made a few big piles then grabbed the dump trailer to load it in and dump in the pit.

I moved on to mixing up milk paint to paint the antique dresser. I used an old blended Shaina was tossing to mix 2 colors and it worked great. The darker color was brushed on to the dresser.

Shaina arrived after 1 and kindly walked down to bring the truck back for S. I made salmon melts for us for lunch while he showered up, packed, ate and was on his way by 2:30. I put the lighter color milk paint on the dresser while Shaina worked on her computer and was off to town for 3:30 appointments.

I finished up my painting around 4 and drove the skid steer to the pasture to finish up bale scraps S could not get all done. I have added another skillset to my ranch abilities. There were gophers running amuck. Seems I need to learn art of gopher elimination too now.

here is what was left in piles and right is me pushing it along

many of the thicker piles had snow and ice under it

Better view if open the dirty window

Back inside I sanded the dresser smooth, did some touch ups then cooked up some supper. Before putting on the chicken I ran out in the golden sunset hour to give the horses their meds and I sprayed Switch's leg when I was pushing old hay in the pasture. It was a late eat at almost 8 but it was good. I left the remainder for Shaina when she gets home and wrote up a blog post for the chocolate silverware chest.

Shaina was home after 9:30. I had showered, changed my bedding and had a lovely diffuser aroma going. There is no better feeling then crawling into fresh linens after a warm shower and the air full of relaxing scents and catching a few Shameless episodes.

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