Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Grocery run and group ride

When I awoke before 7 it was nice and sunny but when I was making my cappuccino at 8 the clouds rolled in for a gloomy day. I rousted Shaina after 8:30 so she could make it to her 9 am class. I did a bit of marketing before heading out to white wax the dresser.

The hardware was scrubbed dried and hauled outside to spray paint white. I also chose new center knobs which were gold so they too got a few coats of silver spray paint.

Time for a trip to town to get groceries, this house is empty. I drove thru Tim’s and tried their new frozen chai. OMG it is a cup of sugar... sooooo sweet.

It fuelled me thru Wal-mart as I rounded up my groceries. Of course I forgot my bags in the car so had to load and unload and load into my car bags after paying. One of these days it will become habit to take in with me ;)

I was then off for the ranch grabbing mail as I went by. Shaina’s textbooks arrived for her new “nutrition” course she is taking online. After unloading and putting groceries away I put the hardware temporarily on the dresser. I am not sure I like the 2 colors of white nor the bold white s threw up a vote on instagram. As always it was split so no real help.

Shaina was home around 2:30 and weighed in that either white or silver would be fine but like I thought sell with white with option to spray them silver. She demonstrated her drone skills checking out the horses ;) Will share more drone video when she gets it to me.

I was touching up the paint after I also added a few drawer stop blocks when Britt and Dave arrived after 3. We all went out and caught a horse and went for a ride. There were a couple breakthrus of nice sunshine but soon after we headed out it clouded over and gloomy with a threat of rain and the wind picked up. We all toughed it out looping our pasture and part of the winery.

Daddy long legs always out front

everyone was moving for home fast in this crap weather

I rode my feisty pony in the arena for a few loops before untacking as did Britt then she rasped Bird’s feet while I went in to finish supper that Shaina put hamburger on to cook. Supper and Shaina was off at 6 for her boot camps. B and Dave visited till after 7 before loading Cooper up from his play date and headed home.

I hauled in the dresser for a few pictures with the white hardware and will post tomorrow. I was working on the blog when Shaina was back from classes after 8:30. She ate again (having worked out 3 times today and a high metabolism) showered then she and I watched Leaving Neverland however we did not get it finished part 1 starting it too late.

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