Sunday, April 21, 2019

My Birthday & Easter

It was a sleepless night for me thinking about the trees and such. Cooper was up for his midnight snack at 3:45 then again at 6 with a frustrated B. She finally let the dogs out and went back to bed. I woke up to birthday wishes on my phone ;) and to a beautiful sunshine day.

this is the chef's super sized plate ;)

Coffee in bed and an Instagram peruse was enjoyed before S made French toast. I washed up fruit to go with it. Marissa and Wyatt stopped to borrow some flour for their Easter dinner quick too. For our Easter/birthday dinner taco seasoning was needed to go with the other goodies we had gathered. I made up homemade chili powder and taco seasoning while B&S hit their phones.

B then headed out to check water, give supplements and feed Bird her left over beet pulp from last night. I worked on blog posts getting one for the blue dresser live and posted on places while S went out to the shop to work on his water project.

B loaded up limping Cooper (they both get like this way after play dates) and was off for home after 1 to change and meet us at the girls house later. Grama and Papa arrived at 2, bringing a pretty little lavender plant as part of my gift, thank you! we had a cold drink and were loaded up to head to the city after 2:30.

The girls had the house looking and smelling lovely with a sweet birthday sign and lovely fiddle leaf fig as my gift. THANKS girls XOXO We had a great visit with Kaylin, Shaina and Jacob, soon Kyle arrived and after his day of racing Dave and Britt made it by 6. I had ordered Mexican for my birthday/ Easter dinner and it was delicious. The crew made a great taco meat (with my yummy spices of course), B had loads of veggies which Kyle made great guac, Grama brought 2  super salads and my bean dip went well with the mango salsa and chips. Grama also made cupcakes for dessert (the girls had cinnabon which got forgot but sure looked good)

Kaylin demonstrated her new sugaring technique on my legs and did some work for Britt too. Looks like a really neat way to remove hair. Thanks K! The rest were watching the overtime hockey game with Vegas Knights and San Jose. Once it was over we all headed off around 9:30 leaving just Shaina and Jacob to relax after the first family dinner. Well done girls and their great helpers. It was awesome.

And after posting my latest dresser this afternoon I also had 3 messages shortly after with the first gal coming tomorrow to see it.. bonus if it sells!

Back at the ranch we visited for an hour or so before calling it a day. A very good birthday ~ Easter day for sure. Thanks to everyone who messaged, emailed and texted too!!

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