Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dresser mirror woes

After my cappuccino and a bit of marketing I headed to the garage. The dresser guy was debating the mirror so I just went cleaned it up, sanded and painted it. He also is thinking he wants to change the hardware.. sure buddy you can do whatever.

 new coffee, only $10 for this wee bag

I painted the base on the coffee table a warm creamy white. Then back to the mirror to sand and white wax. Of course I had issues with the paper sticking... grrr It ended up taking almost as much time as the whole dresser to complete.

The morning was overcast but the sun came out in the afternoon. Late afternoon when it was around 14 I walked out to give Bird and Pepper their supplements. Bird was not wanting to be caught but eventually I wore her down ;) On my to do list is scoop dog crap off lawn as snow is all gone so I hauled around the bucket and got most of it. The bees had overtaken the one full wheel barrow.

Back inside I ate supper then put another coat of white on the table base. I was then back to the mirror. Paper dried under the edges in a few places and driving me crazy. I used every tool to get it out and finally an amazing brain wave, orbital sand paper. The soft backing on the mirror will not scratch and the gritty side smoothed the edges!! YEAH, what a great idea. There were a few wee touch ups to be had too. I think it is now complete, at least till tomorrow ;)

I sanded the coffee table base when dry and did a few touch ups. Washed a pile of brushes and added silver glaze to the 4 faux tin tiles for a bit more metal looking. I called it a night after 9, Lola had come in earlier to eat, Shaina was to arrive about now but was running late not getting here till almost 10.

Inside I worked on the usual blog updates. Sheldon arrives home tonight after his extended week up north. He is going to be sacked and out of sync for sure. Looks like Thursday will be the new Tuesday. He was home a bit later then usual at 11:30 and soon sound asleep.

a picture the girls sent while in Montreal

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