Saturday, September 15, 2018

Painted pumpkins

6 am I awoke and minutes late thunder began to boom and rain came down. When I got up later the new gauge said 1/4" came down and we were fogged in and still about 5 degrees.

I brought in the pumpkin and candle sticks and took a few pictures to share on Instagram.

Time to run to town to restock on a few groceries, beverages, mini pumpkins and pick up my new Visa card. I grabbed a chai and breakfast biscuit on my way home at 1:30 cause Tim's serves breakfast all day now :) I stopped quick for the mail and drop trash at the dump.

Back at the ranch I got all unloaded and back to work on the blog posts. The fog finally started to lift at 2. I ventured out to check the kittys food and the air was full of wet mist and 6 degree so indeed felt like a little fishing village.

In the garage I sanded the jumbo coffee table and scrubbed it up then put a second coat of white in the cabinet. I was finishing up when Britt and Cooper arrived just before 4. I quickly put a coat of white on the mini pumpkins I bought in town before coming in to make the tuna casserole for supper and catch up on B's week, most of it was spent sick.

Cooper had a blast playing with Lola but the cool weather had him coming in to warm up. After eating B and I searched for a few missing items she could not find only to find one was left at the girls place and most likely the other too. But at least I got the furnace room tidied ;) She ordered a cappuccino and was off to the TV room to watch her shows while I went out and painted part of the coffee table, touch ups on the cabinet and more coats on the mini pumpkins. Ozark episodes rounded out the night.

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