Thursday, September 27, 2018

dentist run

The rain was still lightly coming down and the new rain gauge says 2/10ths so far. Poor Lola reacted to the meds given last night and had a diarrhea attack before I let her out. That was not how to start the day but not her fault as they said the meds can cause tummy issues ;(

Once it was all cleaned and floor scrubbed I put a coat of the stain oil on and brought the frame and pepper grinder in to staple the chicken wire in the frame and stage a few pics.

I headed out in the drizzly rain to administer the horse meds, Hawk doesnt like his but he takes it, Bird circled a bit but eventually gave in but dang Roo ran all over and after 10 minutes of trudging in the wet crap and grass I headed back to the house.

Time to load up and head to the city as noon and I have dental at 1:30. It seems the gate was not wanting to work correctly, of course since it was raining but after getting out and resetting the power it did work finally. The rain was all the way in too. I stopped at Home depot for more stripper and staples before getting to my appointment. It seems the parking has changed so got that sorted and had an hour and a half appointment getting the impressions taken for the final implants. Seems the one tooth gum grew more then needed requiring more cutting and removing ;(

Lasting on only a piece of toast and a coffee and an ice tea on the way in I was hungry but had to stop at my 2 thrift stores on the way to the Vietnamese place. The one stop took an hour with way more then I thought I would find. The second I scored just 3 things quick and off to eat.

Finally once I was done eating at 5 the rain had let up. There was one thrift store after it with a bit more success and instead of hitting Costco I just grabbed a chai tea and hit the road for home. Once back I jumped on the quad and headed back out this time with a halter to catch miss Roo but she was having nothing to do with me and the halter. Bird got her eye done and after 15 minutes again of chasing her around I gave up and went home to text B it was in her court now.

"new" glassware and a fav Tupperware cup

Unloading the treasures and finishing the frame wire install and snapping a few pics were next before on to marketing and accounting.. how did it get to be the end of September?? I checked and we had 3/10ths rain overnight and today and the rain started again around 8 briefly.

Britt and Dave arrived at 9 and it did not take long for her to get the dose into Roo, I think it was the dark of night that helped ;) but whatever it was she got it done. I will try again tomorrow but no guarantee.

I saw a frost advisory so headed out at 10 to put a blanket over the planters rather then pull them in and let Lola out then came in to make a smoothie and wouldn't you know while making a smoothie I broke a bag of frozen blueberries all over.. a dark floor in dim light LOL I think it is time to go to bed this day needs to be over. But once I washed off the dog hair and popped them in, the smoothie was delicious!!

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