Thursday, September 13, 2018

I was phished ;(

As I was watching Netflix last night, I was uploading pics to dropbox and saw S had taken the forms off the shop door and had it closed. I text asking if her left an opening for the cats as J has been whining worse then ever. He replied this am he had not, this explains J's crazy bawling. It was 7:30 and zero outside (my garden still stands) so I ran out with him ahead of me and let him in to eat. I thought Mitzy might be trapped inside but did not see her, perhaps she has been out hunting her own food.

My next grave error was checking my email yes at 7:30 and perhaps not awake but my internet provider sent an email saying my payment was declined as card expired. Dang I thought I updated it but maybe not so I clicked the link and did so again. It said it could not confirm so I called the company. She updated the card expiry and in passing I said sorry it declined payment, she replied they never send emails for that nor ask for birthday and after a better look at the page (which looks exactly like the original, as did the reply email and the address bar) I looked to the top left where it will say http or https and it was NOT secure. WTH!!!!! I was phished and they had ALL my info with address , birthday and all my credit card info!!!

Next call was to Visa who confirmed the phony company (using Xplornet alias) tried to charge $1 but it was declined as the email on the account was not right, saved by them sending to the wrong email (this is why I have a few it seems) My account was cancelled and new cards sent to local branch. What a pain in the butt and yet another reminder to NEVER give all your info out.. just call the toll free business number for updates!!!

I snapped a few pictures of the black milk painted chair to post

I headed out to tidy up the work table, put a coat of ultra grip on a ceramic pumpkin then put a second coat of satin oil on the cabinet and when I came back in I found my email they had sent the phony email to was taken over so I had to call and get it recovered and then change a pile more passwords and such. GRRRR. The cement dude stopped for his bundle of cash and said he was hacked last week and had his email compromised as the president of the ringette club and what a pain it was as the hackers sent out "I need cash" emails.

It is a very cool day at 2 degrees. I still had not seen Mitzy so ventured to the barn to check. This also reminded me that I best haul the freezables in from the tack room and take a load of items from the garage out there. The horses salt/mineral tub was empty so it was refilled too. Sure enough she popped around a corner.

pretty tidy heh? Anyone know of a cargo trailer to store the fireball in so I can have this much room to work in all the time??

I have a private paint class at 2, it was the one I had as a giveaway and a local friend Carol won. Her paint project was a pine medicine cabinet. She was leaning towards light grey or charcoal but after much thought she chose navy on a whim. She had brought her bathroom tile and paint swatches too. For the next 4 hours she learned all she need to get it painted and go forward and paint the lower bathroom cabinet in the navy as well.

 Carol just a painting and her finished piece sans hardware

I thawed some soup for a late supper then braved now bitter cold wind to hike out and give Hawk his pill way out in the field. Back to my warm house I wrote up the patina plate blog post. Seeing I had a clean tub, I had a soak while catching a few more Netflix shows then got cozy in bed and kept going till after 1.

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