Sunday, September 30, 2018

Killing Frost

BRRRR -5 upon waking, good thing I hauled in the potatoes and planters. It was our first killing frost. With my fresh cappuccino I caught up on Instagram posts and updating the blog before heading out to put another coat of black chalk paint on the projects.

Time to head out and administer horse meds. It is dang cold out and of course the naughty little one would not be caught, well I did catch her once and while I had arm over her neck putting on the halter she started to run with me running alongside until she outran me. ;( I went back for a bucket of food which is hazardous in itself with 7 hungry horses but I caught her again only to have her rear a couple times eventually causing me to lose my grip and off she sprinted. But I caught her again and got it in her mouth. LAST DOSE thank you Jesus!! The horses all got a mouthful with her even getting last dibs on walk to house before release.

Now to stage the table for which of course runs into other things like vacuuming and hauling staging stuff out. But I managed to get many pictures and thinking ready to go until I found one latch sketchy, after attempts to repair I think a new one is in order. Time to move near the door and put my dining room back in order.

behind the scenes chaos

The chalk projects were now dry their 4 hours so another coat went on. I had offered a tub of paint up to my email followers and had a few interested so I looked for more to purge. This led to finding a pile I can let go and had me tidy my shelves as I went.

Back inside it was time to post more items for sale, I did a live video on FB of my current items for sale and wrote a blog post for the beach glass frame. I finished season 2, This Is Us and watched the new season 3 episode on my PVR, all caught up.

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