Friday, September 28, 2018

Just another foggy day at the ranch

The day was clear when I let Lola out after 8 but by 9 the fogged rolled in for an hour and rolled back out. So crazy. It did rain another 1/10th overnight. The horses were right at the fence so I went out and administered all the meds; successful with miss Roo even.

As it rolled out and I was snapping a few photos and low and behold there was a coyote right close. Lola went off barking its way but it was not really to concerned ;( The sun poked thru off and on for the day.

Time to get another coat of stain on Sharon's table and paint the base another coat of white.

I snapped a few photos of the frame and doing so decided I wanted to keep it and sell the first one (identical) I did in more green color (below)

I was then off to town to get rid of the trash, drop Vance's gift and the S&P to go to Oyen at Amanda's and had a nice hour visit.

Groceries were nest to get followed by a burger/latte and headed back home. I stopped quick at Sharon's to grab another cardboard box. Amanda had one too. Unloading, eating the burger and doing accounting drudgery for over an hour.

surprise, another parcel at the gate.. more fun products to try

A break was needed.. so out to distress and dark wax the table. I then moved onto the Bombay box and valet. Both were cleaned and the valet painted black and Bombay grey.

this is made by Bombay and was originally a tea chest that sold for $129!!

I checked the forecast as they predicted snow tonight and it looks like it may not happen but get to -1 so I went out and put the potatoes in the cardboard boxes and hauled them in. Lola did her loop and in just as a sprinkle of rain came down before 8 and it is pitch black now. I added some black paint over the grey and another coat on the valet but did not care for it over the grey so wet wiped and came up with a cool look.

Late supper after a late lunch consisted of pumpkin pie and a beer ;) but after working on blog posts I ate my left over Vietnamese at 10:30, they say that is not good to eat late, guess we will see. The black hutch blog post went live. I enjoyed This is Us episodes till late, don't you love this show?

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