Tuesday, September 25, 2018

18 degrees and all horses trimmed!

They said on the news today will be the nicest day this week and it sure started out a beauty. I have plans to dig my potatoes today and do other last minute fall tidy but first it was a shower then marketing catch up with my cappuccino. I then headed out to start work on a big project. I chose the oak dining table Sharon called. Seeing the day was so nice I opened the garage door, stripped and sanded the entire top down. Two hours went fast when the sun is shining and you are making progress. B pulled in at 1 as I was was doing last minute touch ups and brought an ice cap!! thanks B <3

We went out to give Hawk his pills, this time dissolving in water and dosing him which seemed to work well. We caught Bird and took her in to stain her eye to check for the ulcer. Roo came along of course. Dr B found the pin point ulcer and was happy to see it was improving.

Dr B in the house looking in the eye with her otoscope

then applying the stain and found the ulcer

This led to their brushing and me catching Switch to trim her feet inside as so warm out which led to Daisy's feet too. It was a gorgeous 18 degree day!!! B collected stool samples from Roo and Daisy - the biggest butt scratchers to take back and do a fecal count on. Pepper and KD were the next 2 to come in and get their spa day. Thanks to Britt for helping by picking feet and rasping on the stand, she is getting to be a great help on this back wrenching chore. The last few weeks of fog and mist made for nice soft feet to work with which was another blessing.

when it is hot and you need to take your pony in to the barn but have no halter ;)

apprentice and the clean up boss

B decided we needed a break so it was time to move onto my potato harvest. I did convince her to come help me do that too and in an hour we had all the potato hills dug and a few more plants pulled and the garden looking much tidier. Cooper and Lola were off to bark at the lady who was collecting all the posts Sheldon had pulled on the south fence. My carrot harvest was impeded with all the potato plants - another learning curve lesson but the horses enjoyed the baby carrots and tops.

I even managed to snap the handle on my garden fork, I did say while digging I needed a proper garden fork so guess it is on the list for sure now. There were a few that got stabbed while we harvested so I scrubbed them up for supper with fresh carrots.

broke fork, and the harvest

Before heading off after 6 B started to hose out the recycle bins she picked up but decided they need more work then she had time so we quadded out to the horses. She dosed Bird's eye again and drew Hawk's blood for his cushing test then was off to the lab to test her samples before going home. She found Daisy had no worms and Roo needs 5 days of treatments. Good work B.

She had given me a leg up and I rode Hawk back, the last fellow to have his feet trimmed. I was already seizing up but felt better to get them all done before I was wrenched ;) He is such a good boy and stood alone quietly while I quickly got him trimmed and released.

and this was the sky for the entire night and even when dark. soooo pretty

While I waited for Lola to run her perimeter check I wet distressed the frame I am slowly working on. Time for a cold beer and a hot soak in the tub and watch season 2 of Atypical for the night! And yes I finished season 2 before shutting my eyes. What a productive day, thanks B for your help XOXO

this was last nights sky I forgot to add to the blog post but have done so now

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