Thursday, June 1, 2017

post and rail complete

There was a thunder and lightening show at midnight last night that had Coco in a tizzy. I put her in her kennel but she was not pleased. Finally I took her outside at 1 for a pee and show her it was ok but just after we got back in rain came down. Not allot but some so thanks to the big guy for that.

I did not even hear Britt head to work today, perhaps because I had closed my door from the pacing Coco. Sheldon had coffee on the go by 9 and set to checking the internet while I snapped some pictures of the now put back together magazine rack I painted.

Not long after he was off to town to exchange the crappy rails and take the cardboard to recycling. I took the "boys" out of the round pen and let all the horses out in the winter pasture for some group exercise time and cleaned ANOTHER full wheelbarrow of crap out of the pen. They sure did a good job of mowing it down evenly.

I then hauled the self propelled push mower over to even out the new paddock grass they had worked down but the sucker would not start. Off to watering garden & trees, hand pulling weeds around the trees and yet more pruning and trying to chop the weeds down in the new grass area with the manual push mower but it is a pain is longer then an inch.

and we thought the Grandma tree was dead, crazy new green candles, what the heck?

Sheldon was back at noon so we ate lunch quick and before 1 headed to finish the last of the rails. He rode a bike Shaina was selling to the gate while I drove the fencing unit over. Kinda had to ride side saddle on the rails ;)

 In not long we had the corner complete!! Fantastic. The horses were pleased too as I could now open the gate from the winter pasture and let them in for water and inspection

The next couple hours we spent pulling all the staples and insulators from the old posts and moving the 4 wires - 2 up and 2 down to keep out of the horses curious nature. We have a family coming to roll up the wire and another fellow in line to come get the posts once we pull them and it will be totally barb wire free in the paddock areas.

Even though it was only 25 it felt as hot as yesterday because there was mainly sun and much less of a breeze. Time for a frosty margarita on the deck before we headed out to put the last 2 rails at the yard entrance. I put ribs on to simmer so had to check now and then. Boss man says the ride mower can go in the paddock (after I said I had done 3 rounds a few days back lol) so he brought it out and cleaned up the scraggly stuff. Having missed all the mowing or probably inspired by the fresh frosty beverage I delivered him, he carried on mowing the rest of the yard.

I found the dandelion spike we had been searching for in the shed where I got Shaina's bike from so gave it a test run around the yard. I moved all the horses into their designated paddocks (2 per paddock) and checked and filled kelp then got busy inside finishing supper prep. We ate once Britt rolled in at 7 then everyone enjoyed a chill evening. (B was asleep before 9 and Sheldon soon after) The big check list is getting smaller ;)

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