Tuesday, June 13, 2017

dining table finally hauled in and rain!

I was awake early waiting to wake Sheldon for an appointment in the city for Britt's car. He made coffee to go and was off before 8. His day became a hurry up and wait as it was not an appointment but get in line. Shaina did stop by Chinook Mall where he walked to to meet him for lunch and dropped him back at the shop.

Back at the ranch it was a cool overcast day so perfect timing to use up the stack of bananas making banana bread. Horse laundry continued with me washing drying and rolling 6 sets of polo wraps! All clean for a few more games. I continued work on the photo albums ending up taking all the 300 I put in yesterdays and rearranging as well as filling 2 more books. I am now out of albums so progress is again halted ;/

Thunder began around 2 putting Coco into high stress. Sheldon got back in a rental car before 3 leaving B's car there to be fix once it was assessed and parts ordered. He promptly fell asleep sawing logs until I woke him to say the rain finally arrived around 4. And it came down in a deep soaking rain.

Now awake, I had him help me shuffle the sideboard and haul in the dining table finally to stage.

There was 7.5/10ths of rain by 7 pm and kept coming down till around 8 totally 8/10ths, another good shot.

I worked on hardware removal on the big coffee table and small dresser to paint next. Sheldon was able to create a new drawer slide with his limited tool selection, apparently he needs a router table and few more tools to make it simpler as I unscrew hardware by hand as my hand me down drill from him is shot ;)

Britt rolled in around 8:30 most unhappy having got a speeding ticket on her way home. Guess the boat still has some jam ;) She did have her new certificate from todays official vet meeting, fancy.

My final chore of the day after scrubbing the half bath sink was to scrape off all the granite sealer. It has always bothered me feeling not super smooth so now it is back so smooth and shiny, yeah!

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