Sunday, June 11, 2017

polox jackpot

Even though this is sleep in day I was up at 7:30 to see about the dresser pick up lady, finally she replied at 8:30 she could not make the 9 am pick up...grrrrr people. The morning was overcast and gloomy but Britt was out by 10 loading things in. Jackpot is a go ahead even after all this rain. Luckily by 11 the sun peeked out but it was breezy. We loaded up food and drink, then I hooked up while B caught the beasts to load. I checked the gauge as we pulled out right on time at 11:30 and there was 3.5/10ths rain in yesterdays downfall.

By the time we arrived at the Okotoks field the wind had let up a bit. It was a beautiful day to play. Both Switch and Bird were handfuls today but we got thru. Thanks again to Krystalle for snapping some pics of us.

 check out B's face as Bird is acting up

then leaps in the air like a ballerina.. this happened more then once

End of jackpot, time to untack, hose, feed and have a refreshment before heading to next adventure; working with wee Roo. Time to start with body work, moving from pressure and starting to get rope savvy for halter breaking..

hello camera lady

she is sure growing and changing color.. what do you guess she will turn to?

she will pick up her feet, nice

and is very bendable

but she LOVES being brushed

and Britt could find just the right scratchy areas ;)

After an hour of fun we were back on the road heading home. The evening was gorgeous but after a late night and long day after putting in my order for over 1000 more pictures for 2014, I hit the tub to soak for a bit then relaxed with Netflix. Britt chose to shower, relax then head to town after 9 for movies with a friend.

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