Monday, June 5, 2017

bit of this and that kind of day

The rain did not continue into the morning as predicted, we did however get 3/10ths over night. We will take it. Britt had to work today seeing she had Saturday off so she was off early. The morning was gloomy and windy with a bite. Sheldon cut the goals posts and bases while I set up the sprinkler to water the arena. The sun did start to peek out around noon.

Shaina arrived before 1 to ride before her shift at the golf course. Her and I had a good ride out of the wind, perfect. She even buzzed KD's rowdy mane then was off to work after 2. Sheldon was off to do a few errands around 3 before his flight leaves near 6 back north. I finally got around to catching up the blog and grad photos as well as snapping some pics of the coasters I finished up.

I did get the white coat of paint on the base of the dining table. This sure seems to have taken a long time when you throw ranch work in between ;) Late afternoon the wind died down and the sun came out and it was a beauty day.

Shaina requested chili for supper so I got it cooking. Britt was home after 6:30, changed and off to check Birdy who was a bit off. She put the fly sheets on Bird and KD too. After I walked to the gate with the dogs to meet a lady who bought a box of my extra paint, I helped Britt test for lameness, hose and liniment her back legs. She then got dressed again and was off to town around 9 while Shaina arrived after 9:30 to stay the night. She got to enjoy 3 bowls of yummy chili, visit then we both headed to bed before 11 to catch some zzzz's.

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