Sunday, September 6, 2015

sun popped out

Sunday was a nice sleep in day for me and much longer for B. I was after 10! It was still rainy and dreary but the sun miraculously poked out around 11:30 even while it continued to rain. Sadly it did not last long. Wind had picked up around 1:30 am and still blew today, the low was 3 overnight, brrrr.

Being another crappy day, I headed out and pulled more projects out of storage, today an end table and dining table got a scrub down.
 this solid wood table goes from 60-78" in length

 hazard of solid wood, it can crack over time but I love the old info attached to pieces
Britt was up just before noon and when she went out to feed Julio and retrieve his blanket from the middle of the field, I checked the rain gauge.. 4 more cm in last 24 hours. She also helped me move dresser downstairs..but shared that lifting heavy things made her want to punch something.. yikes lol.

While the pieces dried I posted them and the end table was called in minutes, to a great customer, thanks Patricia! I got the really big power tools out and ripped a 6' board in half to create a welcome sign that was ordered last night after the teal one was posted. I also have an order for a growth ruler from the Gosling family too, just waiting to hear color they want. The new board got a fresh coat of white paint.

Britt organized an indoor ride at RJ next door so she caught KD & Bird and we loaded up and headed over for a nice dry conditioning ride, she even gave bird a few tries at a jump, perhaps we will leave jumping to Bird's big brother and stick to polox. Back at the ranch she took her in the barn to feed and let her dry off before hitting the basement to study, study or Netflix ;)
 and practicing with 2 horses, go B!
 fingers crossed the frost stays away.. "craigy" has a few lovely looking tiny tims for us
The rain had let up as we were coming home and it seems another 1/2 cm came down this afternoon. Safe to say we are moist. I worked on marketing for a bit and found an auction happening this w/e for a little 2 yr old with brain cancer. I felt compelled to donate to this worthy cause and have a few things in mind to donate. I sent to Amanda and she too is going to donate to this little guys cause.

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