Sunday, September 20, 2015

another slow sunny Sunday

This Sunday started overcast and dull but the sun burned thru by late morning. I was up doing laundry and updating blog which had been on back burner. I flogged Britt up to tend to her horse, she was slow moving but eventually got the med mix made, some toast in her and the horses all fixed up.
 Bird sporting her anti bug attire although the wind worked well today
Another 22 day but with the sun was wind ;( I worked in the garage on projects. The cabinet got brushed touch ups and the sprayer cleaned then 2 growth ruler board got sanded and filled. I managed to fit in a coat of paint on the cabinet too.
 before and after coat of paint

Brit gathered things for her room including our microwave in storage, cleaning up the tea kettle Gran brought, tossing the coffee pot sadly and packing sugar and other goodies to have in her room. She also ran to town  while I watered flower beds, planters and my garden as the weather is so lovely and the intense wind finally let up before 5 just keeping a breeze going. ;) The high actually hit 25!
B worked on another scholarship app as I continued laundry, oh my how does it pile up;) I made a yummy supper Britt was college bound at 8:30 after hosing and treating Bird. Did I mention I am reading The Nightingale? The wind picked up again and blew horribly.  When I put the dogs in at 1 the deck was wet too but not raining just miserable ;(

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